Drawdio: Turn almost Anything into a "Theremin"

Drawdio - Make It . Remix It . Play It - Buy - Press/Museums - Game Bender

Drawdio is available from a number of vendors at different times. Currently the following vendors are in production (as of 6/26/11):

Kits, Apparel, & Products

  1. Drawdio T-Shirts, Mugs, etc.
    Cafe Press
  2. Drawdio Paint Brush (fully finished product)
    Amazon, Think Geek, Fat Brain Toys
  3. Drawdio Fun Pack (pre assembled, no soldering)
    Manufacturer (Adafruit)
  4. Drawdio Kit (you solder)
    Manufacturer (Adafruit), Resellers: Make Magazine, Maker Bot, Electronic Wetterott, Noise Android
  5. Drawdio Circuit Board Only
    Manufacturer (Adafruit)

By Jay Silver . Main concept collaborator Eric Rosenbaum. Support from MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten. Kit collaboration with Ladyada.
Material related to Drawdio has been released under a Creative Commons (attribution share alike) license. Please attribute like this: "Based on work by Jay Silver in the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab"
Last updated: 6/26/2011, made by "hand"